What we do
Kids in Kathmandu Nepal (KIKN) charity has been set up to provide help and support to orphans and disadvantaged children and young people, mainly living in and around the Kalimati area in Kathmandu.
The Charity’s income comes from the sponsors of individual children, from fund raising events, from grants for specific projects, and one-off and regular donations from its supporters.
Sponsorship pays for the school fees, all the educational materials and school uniforms required for the sponsored children’s schooling.
How your Donation Helps the Children in Nepal
‘Your donation will go directly towards the running costs of 9 breakfast clubs in nine schools in Kathmandu. It costs approximately 20p to feed a child a day’

KIKN was set up as a charity in 2011to help poor and socially disadvantaged children & young adults in Kathmandu, Nepal, to access education. We do this by:
- currently sponsoring 19 children from an original 40 through education, including university; and
- improving basic facilities and infrastructure in 9 schools in the Kathmandu Valley, thus benefitting over 3,500 pupils.
It has been shown that a child learns best when they have had a good breakfast. In Nepal, it also helps to improve access to education, giving these impoverished youngsters better life chances.
Over the years, KIKN has set up 9 breakfast clubs incrementally in the nine schools we support. We feed almost 700 children every school day.
The benefits have been tremendous. The overall pupil population has increased between 20 to 40% in these schools. The schools report better pupil attendance, and improved ability to learn for those children receiving a daily breakfast.
Each year, like all small charities, KIKN works hard to raise funds to continue supporting our school projects. We are passionate about our charity and truly believe in our motto ‘A better life through education.’ Thank You.
To donate now please click on the button below:
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Latest News
- 13th September 2024
Cake and Samosa Event at the Woolwich Centre
KIKN held a very successful event selling cakes and samosas on Wednesday 11th September at the Woolwich Centre. We were delighted that the Mayor of the Royal Borough of Greenwich, Jit Ranabhat, who is from Nepal, was able to attend. The event raised £365 in a little over an hour. Thank you to all those
0 - 13th September 2024
KIKN Wins an Award
KIKN has been chosen as one of the award winners of the 2024 SME News Greater London Awards in the category of Best South Asian Orphan Support NPO 2024. Please see the press release below. SME News Announces the Winners of the 2024 Greater London Enterprise Awards United Kingdom, 2024 – SME News Magazine has announced
- 2nd September 2024
Charity Coffee and Cake Sale
Please come along along to our next coffee and cake sale in aid of the charity. It is being held at the Woolwich Centre in Wellington Street from 11am to 1pm on Wednesday 11th September. All are welcome.
- 14th June 2024
KIKN hits a £500,000 milestone
While preparing for the AGM recently I started to wonder how much money KIKN had actually raised for Nepal since its foundation so I added up all the money raised for charitable activities from each year’s accounts since 2011. To my surprise, during 2023 we reached a major milestone having sent out over £500,000 for
- 5th June 2024
KIKN Afternoon Tea/AGM
We held our 11th AGM on Saturday 1st June. For the first time the AGM was also available online. The event was combined with an afternoon tea event held at Durban Road. It was nice to see some of our supporters in person and report on our many achievements in 2023.
- 5th June 2024
FFK 10K Fun Run
Kate successfully completed her 10K run at the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park on Thursday 23rd May. Thank you to all those who contributed to the funds raised for FFK, over £400.
- 23rd May 2024
KIKN are supporting the FFK Fun Run on the 24th May
Our friends at Futures For Kids (FFK) are once again holding their 5/10k Fun Run in the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park on Thursday 24th May at 6pm. We are supporting this event by fundraising for them as FFK have been a major supporter of KIKN since it was founded. Kate, one of our Trustees, is
- 23rd January 2024
KIKN Charity Quiz Night
A very enjoyable and successful quiz night was held on Friday night at the Clarendon Hotel, Blackheath. 100 people took part in a fun evening with over £1,200 being raised for Ishwor school projects. Thank you to everyone who came and took part and gave very generously for our raffle and also to Steve King
- 12th January 2024
Kate is running the Brighton Half Marathon
My fellow Trustee, Kate is running the Brighton Half Marathon on February 25th and is raising money for KIKN. Please would you consider sponsoring her by clicking on the link below. https://donate.giveasyoulive.com/fundraising/kate-is-running-the-brighton-half-marathon
- 13th December 2023
Day 8 of our annual Nepal visit
Today we visited our last and seventh school of this visit, Shree Lubhoo School, approximately 45 mins drive out from the centre. It is a big school which now has 572 students, split 50:50 between boys and girls, and has significantly increased its students numbers since we were here last year. In the last year
- 13th December 2023
Day 7 of our annual Nepal visit
We again had no school visit on Sunday so Kate and I took the opportunity to visit the Boudhanath Stupa, believed to be one of the biggest in the world. It is located around 7.5 km to the east of Kathmandu’s Durbar Square, occupying over 7,600 sq.metres and over 43 metres high. It was listed
- 13th December 2023
Day 6 of our annual Nepal visit
It being the weekend we had no school visit today so Kate and I visited Bhaktapur which used to be the capital of Nepal till the 12th century. It has a number of impressive palaces and temples and Bhaktapur Durban Square is a designated World Heritage Site. It is also known for its crafts particularly
- 13th December 2023
Day 5 of our annual Nepal visit
Today we visited Neel Barahi School, our largest, with around 1,200 pupils. When I came last year the school was undergoing “retrofitting” to make it more earthquake resilient. It was good to see that these works had been finished and the building now looks really good. The other good news was that the two temporary
- 13th December 2023
Day 4 of our annual Nepal visit
This morning we set off to Nepal Adarsha School. The school has some 450 pupils all the way through from class 1 to sixth form. it is based on either side of a road. Last year when we visited there were building works taking place. These have now finished. After being met at the gates
- 13th December 2023
Day 3 of our annual Nepal visit
Today we visited Shree Buddha School in Godawari Municipality about 45 minutes drive away. It is a big school with over 750 pupils and growing all the time. When we visited last year the principal, Prempati Joshi, had not long been appointed. He has certainly been busy in his first year ccntinuing to grow school
- 13th December 2023
Day 2 of our annual Nepal visit
Today was our first visit to some of the schools that we work with. We started by going to the poorest school that we work with which is Ishwor. The school is currently experiencing a drainage problem as a result of some digging in the road outside and as a result the school has no
- 4th December 2023
Day 1 of our annual Nepal visit
Uma had arranged for us to meet all of the older children and young adults attending university and colleges at a nearby restaurant for some afternoon tea and refreshments. We were surprised to see so many tables laid out but all of the space was eventually taken up as one by one everyone turned up
- 16th November 2023
Fundraiser at Laurence House
We held a small fundraising event at Laurence House yesterday where lots of lovely cakes, all made by employees, and samosas were available to buy. I am very pleased to say that a total of over £450 was raised. Thanks go to Kate, a Trustee, for organising and Gurbi, another Trustee, for providing some excellent
- 9th June 2023
Change of Bank Details
At the last Trustee meeting the important decision to change the charity bankers was made. We have been banking with HSBC since the charity started in 2011. Following the introduction of significant account charges in 2021 we have been looking at alternative providers. In May 2023 we opened an account with the Co-operative Bank in
- 22nd November 2022
Kate’s Brighton 10k
On Sunday 20th November Kate, one of our Trustees, completed the Brighton 10k along the seafront at Brighton in a very respectable time. Kate was running to raise additional funds for our charity. You can still sponsor Kate if you wish by clicking on the link below. https://donate.giveasyoulive.com/fundraising/kates-running-the-brighton-half-marathon
- 22nd November 2022
Day 8 of our Nepal visit
Our last day of official charity business took us to our sixth school of Ishwor Adharbot. It is a very small school in a poor area that has no land space to expand and so only has junior classes with about 100 pupils who are all fed tiffin each day. Facilities at the school are
- 22nd November 2022
Day 7 of our Nepal visit
On day 7 we made the 45 minute drive out to Godawari Municipality, the location of Shree Buddha School where we were met by the principal of the school, Prem Pati Joshi to welcome us. We then had an introductory meeting with the principal, the former principal, an english teacher, the school accounts manager, and
- 22nd November 2022
Day 6 of our Nepal visit
This morning we drove back from Nagarkot and in the afternoon we visited Neel Barahi School. This is the first school that KIKN started working with around 2010. The school is currently undergoing extensive building works which they call ‘retro fitting’ but it is to make the buildings earthquake proof. This is making life difficult
- 22nd November 2022
Day 3 of our Nepal visit
Today we visited Saraswoti School in an area just a little outside the main city known as Thecho. We were met with our usual welcoming committee of the head, the school children, teachers and members of the school board presenting us with flowers and greetings of ‘Namaste’ as we entered the gates (see the first
- 22nd November 2022
Day 2 of our Nepal visit
We made our first visit to Lubhoo School, one of the six schools that we work with, on Day 2 of our visit. It was about a forty minute drive from our hotel through the busy streets of the city, negotiating our way through the traffic along with the numerous scooters and motorbikes. As we
- 20th November 2022
Day 1 of our Nepal visit
We had a lovely first day here. Uma had arranged for us to go to the orphanage in the afternoon in order to meet the university students and those children staying with her. We were surprised to hear that 30 people were coming to meet us. It was a great start to the visit for
- 23rd October 2022
Kate is running the Brighton 10K and the Brighton Half Marathon
Kate, one of our Trustees, is running the Brighton 10K in November and the Brighton Half Marathon in February and raising funds for KIKN. Please consider sponsoring her by clicking on the following link. https://donate.giveasyoulive.com/fundraising/kates-running-the-brighton-half-marathon
- 9th October 2022
KIKN Charity Quiz Night
KIKN held a charity quiz night on Friday 7th October at the Clarendon Hotel in Blackheath. It was a great success and a very enjoyable evening. Thank you to everyone that came along and helped to make it such a success. We raised over £1300 from the event which will go towards our various projects
- 6th July 2022
KIKN AGM / Afternoon Tea
On Saturday 2nd July KIKN held its 9th AGM with an Afternoon Tea event at Durban Road. As ever it was a sunny day in Beckenham and an enjoyable afternoon was spent catching up with acquaintances as it was our first ‘live’ event since February 2020. Stephen Smith and Janet Davies went through the key
- 30th April 2022
New Completed Projects
Following our very successful text raffle which took place just before Christmas we were able to use the profits made, and with the further help of a grant from FFK, to complete some one off projects requested by a couple of our schools. We have recently completed the purchase of 25 CCTV cameras for Shree
- 30th December 2021
Update on Christmas Text Raffle
Just before Christmas we held our very first ‘text’ raffle. It was a chance for us to see how successful this online fundraising method might be given our lack of other fundraising events during the year. The raffle proved a big success providing the charity with an overall profit of £719. Thank you to everyone
- 9th December 2021
Update on Memorial Fund
Dear Friends and Supporters, This email is to give you a quick update on a couple of items. Firstly, our memorial fund is now formally closed. As you know it was Lai See’s wish to split the funds between KIKN and St. Christophers Hospice. The total joint funds raised came to just over £2,300. St
- 10th October 2021
Lai See Chew
Lai See Chew 1950 – 2021 It is with great sadness, that the Trustees of Kids in Kathmandu Nepal announce the death of Lai See Chew, Founder and Chief Officer of the charity on 8th October 2021. Lai See was diagnosed with advanced pancreatic cancer in January 2021, and with great spirit, good humour and
- 1st October 2021
Kate is running the Brighton Half Marathon for KIKN on 10th October 2021
Kate Pottinger, one of our trustees, is running the Brighton Half marathon on 10th October for KIKN. Please consider sponsoring her as this money will be used to help purchase school uniforms for children whose families have been particularly hard hit by Covid in Kathmandu. Please click on the link below to sponsor Kate. Thank
- 22nd April 2021
New PC’s for Shree Buddha School
KIKN has recently been able to complete the purchase of 8 new pc’s together with purpose built desks and chairs for Shree Buddha School. We were able to make this purchase as a result of some underspending from breakfast clubs due to schools reopening only recently. We also received a very nice letter of thanks
- 16th February 2021
‘I Am Belmaya’ Thank You
Dear Friends and Supporters of KIKN, Thank you to everybody who supported the the private film screening and Q & A session on Sunday evening. It was a moving and inspiring film and fitted so well with our ethos of ‘ a better life through education’. Thank you to Sue Carpenter and Tideturner films for
- 6th February 2021
Private Film Screening of Documentary Film ‘I Am Belmaya’
Please join us for an exclusive online screening of the upcoming feature documentary I Am Belmaya, followed by a specially recorded Q&A with director Sue Carpenter and co-director Belmaya Nepali, hosted by TV film critic Anna Smith. Your chance to see this beautiful, inspirational film, set in Nepal, before it is released to the public. A
- 2nd December 2020
Thank You
A big thank you to all our supporters who took part in our GivingTuesday campaign yesterday. We had an excellent response. Your donations will continue to go towards providing relief at the remaining schools in our 3rd round effort. It is still not too late to take part. Just click on the link in our
- 1st December 2020
Today is Giving Tuesday!
Today, Tuesday 1st December is World Giving Day or Giving Tuesday. Kids in Kathmandu Nepal is one of over 2,000 charities in the UK taking part in this year’s #GivingTuesday campaign. The campaign, which began in America in 2012 before being brought to the UK in 2014 by the Charities Aid Foundation (CAF), is an antidote
- 5th November 2020
Happiness is a parcel from the UK
In the absence of Lai See’s annual trip to Kathmandu two parcels have been sent to Kathmandu via DHL Uma’s children, in particular, enjoyed receiving news from their sponsors. Some little gifts of moisturisers, knitted hats and gloves, make up bags, talcum powder and underclothing brought smiles to their faces. The letters to other sponsored
- 21st October 2020
Lubhoo School 3rd Round Food Relief
In addition to the support to improve the facilities and infrastructure at Lubhoo school, KIKN also sponsors 9 girls attending there. It is with the hope that they study well and achieve the necessary grades to progress to higher education. They are among the families in the line up for the food. Thank you all
- 14th October 2020
3rd Round of Food Relief at Adarsha School
A happy time for the families. The food distribution at Adarsha School happened just before the arrival of the Festival. Happy Dashain to all the friends and supporters of KIKN. May the year ahead bring better times for us all. Stay safe everyone. Thank you all for making it happen.
- 5th October 2020
3rd Round Food Relief at Ishwor School
KIKN distributed the third round food relief for all the 95 children at Ishwor School on Saturday. This group of children are the most vulnerable of all the children KIKN helps. Many of the parents are immigrants coming from the Indian border, hoping that begging in tourist rich Kathmandu will be a better option. Many
- 5th October 2020
Third Round Of Food Relief
KIKN started its third round of food distribution on Monday 28th September at Shree Buddha School. Thanks to all you loyal sponsors and supporters, you have made it possible to help feed a further 1200 children and their families in the 6 schools. The timing coincides with the arrival of the Nepalese Festivals ( similar
- 9th August 2020
Second Round of Food Relief Completes at Lubhoo School
Last but not least, KIKN was able to deliver food relief to the children and their families at Lubhoo School after the latest lockdown was eased.It was an eventful journey for the greengrocer. With the rainy season, the rural road was reduced to thick squelchy mud along the deep rutted surface. The fully loaded van
- 2nd August 2020
Update on Food Relief Appeal
As we enter August we are just completing our second round of food relief packages in our schools. These last a maximum of three to four weeks depending on the size of families. We are in the middle of our food relief appeal to enable us to complete a third round of food distribution across
- 31st July 2020
Second Round of Food Relief at Saraswati School
With help from KIKN’s ever loyal supporters, Saraswati school received its second tranche of food relief. Thank you all for making it happen. The kids in Kathmandu are very grateful. So is KIKN here in UK. Thank You.
- 26th July 2020
Second Round Of Food Relief at Adarsha School
This inner city school had its second food relief distribution.Thank you to all KIKN supporters across the globe. The children are assured of meals on the table for another 3-4 weeks.
- 24th July 2020
KIKN Food Relief Appeal
We are making a general appeal for donations to help us raise funds towards a third round of food relief parcels for our six schools. Please help us to reach our £6000 target. All your donations will go directly towards purchasing food for the parcels. To donate and read more about our programme, please click on the link belowhttps://virginmoneygiving.com/fund/foodrelief_appeal
- 19th July 2020
2nd Round of Food Relief at Neel Barahi School
The pandemic is still on in Kathmandu. Although the death toll is low, the number of cases are still on the increase in some areas but are starting to reduce in others. Two of the KIKN schools ( Lubhoo & Saraswati) are in the newly locked down area, to the south of the Kathmandu Valley.
- 9th July 2020
Second Round of Food Relief at Ishwor School
Thanks to everyone who supports KIKN in our effort to put a meal on the table for our children. 20 kilos of rice plus lentils, beans, cooking oil ,sugar and salt were distributed to the children from begging families and others for a few more weeks.Thank you to Uma for the efficient organisation to make
- 2nd July 2020
Second Round of Food Relief Commences at Shree Buddha School
The ongoing lock down in Nepal is causing more hardship and suffering for the very poor. The situation is worsening as more cases of Covid are occurring.Shree Buddha Secondary School is kick starting KIKN’s continued effort to give a meal a day to their children and families. This is the start of a second round
- 25th June 2020
Annual Report and Accounts 2019
We are pleased to announce that our Annual Report and Accounts for last year have now been formally approved and are available to the general public. You can now read a copy at your leisure by clicking on the link below to our secure website.https://kidsinkathmandu.com/kikn-annual-report-and-accounts-2019/We also now have printed copies available and will be distributing
- 16th June 2020
Food Relief at Adarsha School
Adarsha School is a small inner city school catering for over 300 children. The school sits in a cul de sac with buildings on two sides of the street. The senior forms are opposite the nursery and kindergarten building. In the last few days KIKN was able to provide a similar level of help to
- 10th June 2020
Food Relief at Saraswati School
With the pandemic worsening in Kathmandu, all the schools are still closed. The safety net of having a meal a day from the breakfast club is gone. KIKN is using the unspent breakfast money to continue to support the children and their families in our schools. Saraswati school is situated in a rural village on
- 26th May 2020
Food Relief at Lubhoo School
With unspent breakfast club money due to the school closure, KIKN has been able to provide further help to another one of our schools. 200 of the most deprived families were given some food relief over the weekend at Lubhoo School. The children, families and the staff would like to thank you for your kindness
- 13th May 2020
Covid-19 Further Update from Kathmandu
With the pandemic across the world, Nepal has been in lockdown since March. It is similar to the UK in that people can only come out for food and essentials like medical needs. With the closure of schools and colleges in Kathmandu, KIKN’s 7 breakfast clubs in the 7 schools have ceased till further notice. This
- 5th May 2020
FFK Virtual Fun Run 2020
Why we need your help We are helping to raise funds for Futures For Kids (FFK), a charitable foundation that raises funds to support the lives of disadvantaged children and young people around the world. They have supported KIKN over the years. For the last two years they have held a Fun Run to raise
- 24th March 2020
Covid Update from Kathmandu
Just to update you on the Covid-19 situation in Kathmandu. Nepal, like Britain is in a state of lockdown. All the schools and colleges are closed till further notice. The 7 breakfast clubs KIKN supports in our 7 schools have ceased as part of the closure. Over 800 children are being affected. The main occupation,
- 3rd March 2020
Congratulations !
Congratulations to Kate, one of our Trustees, who on Sunday completed the second of two successive weekend half marathons! Kate was running in order to raise funds for some new school uniforms for the children at Adarsha school. Kate has raised the magnificent sum of over £2,000. I am sure the children at the school
- 3rd March 2020
Grant funded improvements at Shree Buddha School
As a result of an additional large grant from Futures For Kids (FFK) on 31/12/2019, KIKN has been able to send the funds to help several schools by increasing the numbers of children for the breakfast clubs and by the purchase of equipment badly needed by some of the schools. Shree Buddha is one of
- 3rd March 2020
Visit to Kathmandu by the British Taekwondo Association
David and Angela Bailey, Taekwondo instructors from the UK, recently asked if they could visit one of our schools to demonstrate this art of self defence. We arranged for them to visited Neel Barahi Scool to introduce the children to this art of self defence with a demonstration .It was very well received by the children.
- 4th February 2020
Chinese New Year Open House
KIKN welcomed the year of the Rat on Saturday 1st February with its annual fund raising Open House. We have had one of the best years yet. Sponsors and donors came together to support the event. There was an array of delicious food and drinks available. It was a truly cosmopolitan event with people coming
- 4th February 2020
Kate is running two Half Marathons for Adarsha School Uniforms
Kate, one of our Trustees is running the Brighton Half Marathon on 23rd February and to make things harder for herself is also doing the London Vitality Big Half Marathon one week later. This has meant lots of training runs for Kate. Kate is hoping to raise enough money to buy 50 children a school
- 6th November 2019
New Classroom Furniture at Jana Sudhar School
It’s good to see that the new classroom furniture which was part of KIKN’s recent projects for 2019 is now in place and being well used at Jana Sudhar School. Thank You.
- 6th November 2019
Charity Quiz Night
Thanks to our amazing supporters who came out in force, KIKN raised much needed funds towards the 7 Breakfast clubs in the 7 schools in Kathmandu – our focus and priority for 2020. It was KIKN’s best fundraising event to date. The room was buzzing with friendly but competitive spirit. It resulted in ties from
- 2nd October 2019
Goodbye Land of Mountains
Once again, it is time to say goodbye for another year. It has been a hectic 4 weeks. The month has just flashed by. With Uma’s help, the school visits have been well planned and fruitful. The KIKN team has had the opportunity to update, refresh and reacquaint with the current and new schools’ Heads
- 29th September 2019
Visit to Ishwor School
KIKN trustee John Crowe paid his first visit to this little school. He was welcomed and honoured in the traditional way by the Headmaster (see photo). A box with children’s board games, skipping ropes, art materials and colouring pencils was handed over to the school. John saw the 5 small class rooms. He was struck
- 24th September 2019
Neel Barahi Higher Secondary School
This is the first school KIKN supported way back in 2011. With its forward thinking Princpal, Januka Paudel, it has come a long way. It is one of the outstanding BEACON schools in the Kathmandu Valley. It had 8 A level students in 2011, compared to 254 students currently. With support and commitment from KIKN
- 22nd September 2019
KIKN’s Gift to Ishwor School
Each year KIKN gives the 85+ children and their families a food parcel to help towards Dashain festival. This year, KIKN is also giving the children 2 sets of uniforms each to help to promote a sense of belonging and uniformity. Uniforms were handed over individually by the KIKN Chair. The children were excited to
- 20th September 2019
KIKN Annual Open Day
For the first time KIKN invited the Principals, and Heads of the7 schools we support to our Annual Open Day. We had the biggest crowd to date, just under 100 to cater for. Almost all the sponsored children came with their mums. They enjoyed a good Newari feast and went away happy with their winter
- 18th September 2019
Visit to Nepal Ardasha Secondary School
The KIKN team visited our 7th (new school) on another very wet day. The weather is unbecoming of Kathmandu. September is usually sunny and dry, a perfect time to visit and trek across the mountain ranges. The Headmaster past and present were on site to show us the school which is situated on both sides
- 18th September 2019
Shree Buddha Secondary School Visit
The KIKN Chair visited our 6th (new ) school with the team on a very wet and sodden day.The KIKN team was warmly welcomed in the traditional manner with Tika, Garland and a Nepali crafted scarf. We had a formal welcome from the Chairman of the school management board. A presentation was made with the
- 17th September 2019
Visit to Saraswoti Secondary School
A visit to the school was made today by the KIKN Chair and team. We were greeted with a Tika, Garland and Nepali scarf. The school is currently feeding 135 children from the KIKN given funding for 100. This is real added value to KIKN. The Headmaster requested more help to increase the Breakfast club
- 16th September 2019
Visit to Jana Sudhar School
KIKN started supporting this school in 2013. The annual visits over the years have seen a vast improvement in the facilities and infra structure benefitting the 300+ children in the school. Unbeknown to us, the school organised a surprised welcome because it was Nepal Children’s day! All the children, over 300 of them, lined the
- 14th September 2019
Annual Shopping Spree
Each year, every sponsored child is given a pack of winter clothing plus undergarments at KIKN’s Open Day. In the earlier years, it involved traipsing round the overcrowded wholesale centres over several days to source the winter jackets, tracksuits, t-shirts, socks and undergarments. They were exhausting days I remember. Over the years we have learnt
- 13th September 2019
KIKN’s Pride and Joy
It is always such a joy and with a sense of pride whenever I meet up with KIKN’s first 4 University graduate and under graduates namely Asmita, Apsarah, Sangita, and Laxmi. Asmita (pictured with her own sponsored child Rojina) graduated over 2 years ago in Business Studies. She started doing some social and community work
- 12th September 2019
Lubhoo School
The Chair of KIKN joined Lai See to visit this inspiring school. They were warmly welcomed with garlands and traditional Nepali scarves. The demand for increasing the numbers at our Breakfast club is pressing. This is the common issue facing all the 7 schools we are helping. 100 children in every school club is no
- 11th September 2019
Nepal Adarsha Secondary School
This new school is KIKN’s 7th. A small Breakfast club (for 50 children) was started at the school on 1 September. A.n inner city school with very little outside space for sports. The school was set up over 60 years ago. It was rebuilt following the 2015 earthquake. The school buildings sit on both sides
- 10th September 2019
First Visit to Shree Budhha High School, Lalitpur
This is the 6th school that KIKN is supporting. The school was set up over 50 years ago with a handful of children. It has over 600 pupils currently with 26 teachers. It takes pupils up to Year 12 (A level) standard. It is situated on the outskirts of the Kathmandu Valley, surrounded by green
- 9th September 2019
KIKN Sponsored Children Part 2
The 9 Lubhoo children came today for their sponsors’ letters. Such a pleasure to see them. The thirteen and fourteen year-olds have grown very tall and beautiful. How times fly……. Every child read their letter with anticipation with a gift/gifts from their sponsor. They were well received! Such delightful company. It took the children over
- 8th September 2019
KIKN Sponsored Children Part 1
It is always a pleasure to meet up with the 40 sponsored children within the first few days of arriving. It is my first opportunity to talk to them at leisure, finding out how their school lives have been for them and the welfare of their families.Sometimes children will ask, out of desperation, for help
- 7th September 2019
Annual Trip to Kathmandu
Hello Kathmandu,Another year, another trip to see the children and visit the projects we have set up in the 5 schools we support. All Uma’s children are growing and shooting up fast. They look forward to Lai See’s annual visit. They took great joy and anticipation in receiving their sponsors’ letters. M&S underclothing, hair ribbons,
- 4th July 2019
London to Paris in 1 Day
Jacek Rosiecki, one of KIKN’s sponsors, fund raised for us recently through a cycle ride to Paris in 24 hours. An amazing feat by Jacek and his colleagues who rode with him. The ride has raised over £1,000 for KIKN so far. This amazing sum has meant that KIKN can kick start its 7th new
- 17th June 2019
Futures For Kids (FFK) Fun Run 13th June
Lai See and Kate ( KIKN trustees), together with another 150 or so runners, took part once again in the annual FFK Fun Run/ Walk to raise funds for our biggest donor – FFK. Positive thinking helped to keep the rain at bay last Thursday at the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park. It was cool with
- 6th June 2019
FIA IDX Gala Dinner
On Wednesday 5th June Lai See had the honour of being invited to the Gala Dinner at the end of the FIA IDX Conference by FFK (Futures For Kids). This event is the highlight of their fundraising calendar. It was a grand black tie affair with many of the great and good of the Financial
- 5th June 2019
Cake and Craft Sale at Lower Marsh
To round off our charity cricket match weekend we held our usual follow up cake and craft sale on Monday 3rd June at Lower Marsh. There were lots of additional great cakes for sale especially made for the two weekend events. Thank you to all the cake makers and to the staff at Lower Marsh
- 4th June 2019
8th KIKN Annual Charity Cricket Match
Once again, the sun was out for our annual charity cricket match on Sunday 2nd June. Thanks to the ever loyal supporters, a good time was had by all who were there.There were lots of very tasty cakes on sale made by some of our loyal supporters. A good array of raffle prizes and a
- 16th May 2019
Annual Report and Accounts 2018
Our latest Annual Report and Accounts for the year 2018 are now available for you to download and read by clicking on the link below. https://kidsinkathmandu.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/KIKN-Annual-Report-2018.pdf There is a featured case study on the challenges facing the charity with the increasing numbers of 6th formers and those wishing to go on to higher education. You
- 15th May 2019
FFK Sponsored Charity 5/10K Fun Run
Once again Futures for Kids, the charity that has supported KIKN very generously over the last few years, is holding it’s annual fundraising event on Thursday 13th June 2019. Following the great success last year they are holding their second 5/10K Charity Fun Run with the emphasis on Fun. Two of our Trustees, Lai See and Kate
- 27th April 2019
3rd Charity Quiz Night
KIKN held its 3rd highly successful Quiz night on Friday 26 April.The ever loyal supporters turned up in force for the event. Everyone enjoyed an evening of fun and social interaction. Fabulous raffle prizes, colourful Batik craft with posh bangers and mash ensured a good time was had by all .A big ‘Thank you’ to
- 9th March 2019
Qatar College
Qatar college was recently on a field trip to Kathmandu with its students from the senior forms. KIKN was contacted for more information about the work we do in Nepal. Uma, KIKN’s rep in Nepal went along to meet the staff and students to highlight the work of KIKN in Kathmandu. A very generous donation