Hello Kathmandu,
Another year, another trip to see the children and visit the projects we have set up in the 5 schools we support.
All Uma’s children are growing and shooting up fast. They look forward to Lai See’s annual visit. They took great joy and anticipation in receiving their sponsors’ letters.
M&S underclothing, hair ribbons, pencil /make up pouches, stickers/ mini moisturiser are among some of the favourite things they receive from the UK. Cookies and chocolates are a must too. As Uma says, Xmas comes early when Lai See arrives.
It was always an emotional time for Lai See each year to see how far the children have come, and how much they have achieved. Most importantly, how well Uma has done to get the children to where they are today in spite of all the daily challenges she faces.
KIKN salutes you Uma. KIKN owes you a great debt. We would not have progressed and achieved so much in the schools without your unfailing support and compassion which we share.
Long may we continue.