Food Relief at Saraswati School

With the pandemic worsening in Kathmandu, all the schools are still closed. The safety net of having a meal a day from the breakfast club is gone. KIKN is using the unspent breakfast money to continue to support the children and their families in our schools.

Saraswati school is situated in a rural village on the outskirts of the Kathmandu Valley, where families largely depend on manual labour. With limited resources, KIKN is only able to help 200 families for a few weeks. We are hopeful that we can help all the 7 schools we support eventually. This is the 5th school we have helped so far.

Thank you to all our friends and supporters across the globe, namely Germany, South Korea, Brazil, Poland, Malaysia, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, Sri Lanka, India, USA and most of all the UK, for your ongoing support, without which, this would not be possible. If you would like to know more about our work, please contact us via the website at

Thank you not only from KIKN but all the children from the schools you have helped in Kathmandu. We are deeply grateful for your generosity in spirit and kind.

