Adarsha School is a small inner city school catering for over 300 children. The school sits in a cul de sac with buildings on two sides of the street. The senior forms are opposite the nursery and kindergarten building.
In the last few days KIKN was able to provide a similar level of help to 200 children and their families in the school .
This concludes the first round of KIKN support to the 6 schools we are involved with. A total of 1200+ children and their families have been given assistance to have food at the table for a few weeks….
The news from Nepal is not good. It is looking unlikely that schools will be open in July. It is projected that the the pandemic will peak sometime in June/July. The infection rate is climbing as we write!
KIKN may need to explore alternative avenues to further provide the meagre help we have been able to give.
Thank you all for your continued belief in what we do. Your ongoing support has made a difference at a very crucial time to the children in the 6 schools we support.
If you would like to help us to support the schools further, please make contact with me via facebook or our website.
We (the kids in Kathmandu & KIKN) are very grateful.
Lai See