Support Us
There are a number of ways you can support Kids in Kathmandu Nepal. We have minimal administration costs because all the work is carried out by the Charity’s six Trustees and volunteers.
No matter how large or small, your donation will help more children in the different schools to have better opportunities for further education and life chances.
Every penny of your donation goes towards Kids in Kathmandu Nepal.
Cheque or Standing Order (made payable to Kids in Kathmandu Nepal).
If you would like to support our work with a single donation or by regular giving, by cheque or by Standing Order, please click here to download our Donation Form.
If you are a UK taxpayer, the value of your donations can be increased by 25%, at no cost to you, by signing the Gift Aid declaration on the Donation Form.
Thank you.
Donate Here
If you would like to make a donation now please click here. If you are a UK taxpayer, the value of your donation can be increased by 25%, using this method.

Sponsor a Child
If you would like to sponsor a child then a regular donation of £25.00 per month will go far, and you will have the satisfaction of relieving poverty for an individual child and assisting him or her to advance in life.
If you are interested in sponsoring a child, then please contact us.
Please note that all sponsors of an individual child need to be aware of our Child Protection Policy. Please click here to view this policy.
You can have an enduring effect on the lives of underprivileged children in Kathmandu by remembering Kids in Kathmandu Nepal in your Will.
If you have already made a Will, you can add a codicil to it. Click here to download a codicil form.
If you are thinking of running a marathon, jumping out of an aeroplane or a sponsored silence, please support Kids in Kathmandu Nepal and raise sponsorship from your friends and family.
For details on becoming a fundraiser, please contact us.
Volunteering opportunities
Opportunities to volunteer for work in Nepal can be found with Volunteering Destinations.
The website provides details of a range of volunteer opportunities, including work with children, in teaching and with the elderly
Please note that Kids in Kathmandu Nepal is not responsible for the content of external websites or activities offered by other organisations.