Safeguarding Children
Safeguarding children duties apply to any charity working with children.
Safeguarding children means to:
- Protect children from abuse and maltreatment
- Prevent harm to children’s health or development
- Ensure children grow up with the provision of safe and effective care
- Take action to enable all children and young people to have the best outcomes
The Kids in Kathmandu Nepal’s Child Protection Policy and associated procedures are the means to best ensure safeguarding the children we support in Nepal.
Safeguarding Children Policy and Procedures
The following Safeguarding Children Policy and Procedures are agreed by the Trustees and will be reviewed every year, and/or whenever there is any significant change in the organization or relevant legislation.
Kids in Kathmandu Nepal (“KIKN”) is a charity supporting children in Nepal. KIKN believes that all children have a right to personal dignity and a safe environment, and that the welfare of the child is paramount. KIKN has a special responsibility and duty of care to all children with whom it is associated, wherever they may be. KIKN is committed to acting at all times in the best interests of children and to protect them from physical, emotional or sexual abuse and from commercial exploitation.
For the purposes of this Child Protection Policy, children and young people are regarded to be those under the age of 18. Currently KIKN does not work with vulnerable adults. However, if in future KIKN does work with vulnerable adults, then all the requirements of this policy shall apply.
KIKN is active in providing financial and other support to children and young people in Nepal. KIKN activity falls into four main categories:
- UK based Trustees, sponsors, employees and volunteers who may come into direct contact with children in Nepal. For this group all UK Child Protection legislation shall apply as well as the specific requirements detailed in this policy document.
- Employees and volunteers who may work for KIKN in Nepal. If these are UK citizens, then the policy and procedures contained in this document will apply. If any employees or volunteers are of other nationalities (e.g. Nepalese) and not resident in UK, then this policy and procedures cannot directly apply to them. In these cases, KIKN has a duty of care to ensure that as far as is possible, the principles of this Child Protection Policy will apply.
- UK based Trustees, and/or sponsors who will not come into direct contact with children in Nepal.These people will be made aware of this policy. The Trustees have a responsibility for ensuring that the Child Protection Policy is applied appropriately, particularly with regards to sponsor communication with children.
- Donors and fund-raising volunteers who will have no contact with children. No actions are required for this group.
- Minimum Requirement for Group A & B
All UK Trustees, sponsors, employees and volunteers who may come into direct contact with children in Nepal will be required to have an enhanced disclosure check performed by the Disclosure and Baring Service (DBS).
- Recruitment and Training – applies to Group A, and wherever appropriate, to Group B
All KIKN recruits as new Trustees, sponsors, employees or volunteers, will be given a copy of this Safeguarding Children – Child Protection Policy. Trustees, and any other KIKN supporter travelling to Nepal, will be required to sign a declaration that they have read, understood and will comply with the policy.
Trustees must use due diligence in recruitment of any paid staff or volunteers to ensure the safety and protection of the children including interviews, references and applicants’ former employment and volunteering history.
All UK applicants who may come into direct contact with children in Nepal will be required to have an enhanced disclosure DBS check. The KIKN Chairperson or Chief Officer will review the result to ensure that it is satisfactory before the person has any unsupervised contact with sponsored or other children.
Should any KIKN employee or volunteer display behaviour that raises concerns, then the Chairperson and Trustees will decide what action to be taken.
Trustees, sponsors, employees and volunteers involved in unsupervised contact with children will be given induction training to ensure the safety of the children is protected at all times. Such induction training will include: security of information; confidentiality; procedure for visits; and procedure if abuse is suspected.
Prior to any Trustee, sponsor, employee or volunteer travelling abroad in connection with KIKN’s business for the first time, the KIKN Chairperson or Chief Officer should be satisfied with their suitability for the visit.
Where any KIKN personnel suspects abusive practices, the matter should be referred immediately to the KIKN Chairperson or Chief Officer.
- Behaviour Protocol – applies to Groups A. B and C
Behaviour protocols define appropriate behaviour in order to protect children, but also to protect adults from false allegations of inappropriate behaviour or abuse. These protocols should be observed by all KIKN Trustees, sponsors, employees and volunteers.
Trustees, sponsors, employees and volunteers involved in direct contact with children must not touch, hold, kiss or cuddle children in an inappropriate or culturally sensitive manner.
Trustees, sponsors, employees and volunteers involved in direct or indirect contact with children must not threaten or verbally abuse the children.
Trustees, sponsors, employees and volunteers must not take part in any sexual activity or abuse with children, whether actual sexual contact, or through conversation, gestures, or showing pornography.
Trustees, sponsors, employees and volunteers must not stay overnight alone with any child either in staff accommodation or elsewhere.
Where ever possible Trustees, sponsors, employees and volunteers should ensure two or more adults supervise children’s activity and be present at all times.
Trustees, sponsors employees and volunteers involved in direct contact with children should exercise care and concern in respect of dress code, language, and relationships with children, taking due consideration of local cultural practices.
- Protection of Sponsored Children – applies to Groups A, B and C
All sponsor correspondence with a sponsored child must be independently reviewed by a KIKN Trustee, designated employee, or designated volunteer. Correspondence includes all written or electronic correspondence and all photographic or video images.
Sponsors are not permitted to make direct telecommunications contact with sponsored children without the prior written approval of KIKN Chairperson or Chief Officer. Telecommunications contact includes all forms of telephone or electronic communication including chat rooms, social web sites and video conferencing.
Sponsors are not permitted to visit sponsored children without prior written approval of The KIKN Chairperson or Chief Officer and should always be accompanied by a KIKN Trustee, employee, or a KIKN local agent or partner.
Sponsors and sponsored children must not exchange home addresses.
- Use and Distribution of Photographic Images
Photographic, video or digital images of the children must not be sent, downloaded, copied or distributed without the prior written approval of KIKN Chairperson or Chief Officer.
Photographic, video or digital images appearing on KIKN web sites, blogs or literature remain the property of Kids in Kathmandu Nepal and Chief Officer and should not be copied, downloaded, reproduced or distributed in any way without the prior written approval of KIKN Chairperson or Chief Officer.
- Reporting Suspected or Actual Abuse
All actual or suspected breaches of this policy document, or anything leading to suspicion that a child might be at risk must be reported to the KIKN Chairperson or Chief Officer.
The KIKN Chairperson or Chief Officer must investigate all reported actual or suspected incidents and suspicions. The KIKN Chairperson or designated deputy must inform all Trustees of all reported actual or suspected incidents and suspicions and the outcome of any investigations.
Where appropriate KIKN Chairperson or Chief Officer must inform UK or local authorities whenever it is suspected that a child may be at risk.

Adopted on 01 June 2011, Reviewed 2015, Revised January 2017, Revised October 2019, Reviewed January 2024
Declaration: Safeguarding Children – Child Protection Policy
Position: (Trustee or KIKN visitor to sponsored children or projects in Nepal)
I confirm that I have read the Safeguarding Children – Child Protection Policy for Kids in Kathmandu Nepal, and that I will abide by its directions.
If I am to have unsupervised contact with KIKN children under the age of 18 in Nepal, I will have an Enhanced Disclosure Check by the Disclosure and Baring Service of the UK Government. This MUST be provided to the Chief Officer prior to travel to Nepal.