Day 8 of our annual Nepal visit

Today we visited our last and seventh school of this visit, Shree Lubhoo School, approximately 45 mins drive out from the centre. It is a big school which now has 572 students, split 50:50 between boys and girls, and has significantly increased its students numbers since we were here last year. In the last year it has also started years 11 and 12 for sixth form with around 30 students and the principal is aiming to increase that. Again, it is good to see the school progressing.

We were met at the school gate by the principal, Prabhalaxmi Amatya, and taken on a tour of the computer and civil engineering classrooms which are housed in a separate small block of buildings. KIKN has provided numbers of computers and furniture to equip these rooms. It was good to see the computers in use during our visit.

We then went back to the main school buildings to see some of the classrooms for the nursery and early years with the principal. She explained that the school was preparing for a volleyball match with another school so the outside courtyard was busy with children practising. We then went to the principal’s office for a short break while we were presented with the school’s proposals for future project spend. The principal is keen to expand the school further and would like to encourage more students by employing another computer teacher. They would also like some classroom furniture for years 6,7 and 8 and some cupboards and chairs for the library.

We then had a small performance from some of the nursery classes who sang some songs for us and some of the children showed their skills with dance moves. it was really delightful and all the children seemed to love performing their little routines.

By this time tiffin was starting to be served for the very young ones in the yard so we watched them being served and enjoying their food. Kate and I were then given a chance to sample the same plate of tiffin food served today. Very wholesome and nutritious with rice, some potato and lentils and an egg. That concluded a very enjoyable visit to a good school. It is the last day of my second visit here. It has gone so quickly and I have enjoyed every minute and I am sad to be making my home tomorrow but it has been good to see some further progression since last year and I have got to know some of the older ones a bit better this time. They are all turning into fine young adults.

Thank you to all our supporters and donors for all the work that you are enabling us to carry out. I aim to be back next year.

