June 2020

  • Annual Report and Accounts 2019

    We are pleased to announce that our Annual Report and Accounts for last year have now been formally approved and are available to the general public. You can now read a copy at your leisure by clicking on the link below to our secure website.https://nhj.f90.myftpupload.com/kikn-annual-report-and-accounts-2019/We also now have printed copies available and will be distributing

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  • Food Relief at Adarsha School

    Adarsha School is a small inner city school catering for over 300 children. The school sits in a cul de sac with buildings on two sides of the street. The senior forms are opposite the nursery and kindergarten building. In the last few days KIKN was able to provide a similar level of help to

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  • Food Relief at Saraswati School

    With the pandemic worsening in Kathmandu, all the schools are still closed. The safety net of having a meal a day from the breakfast club is gone. KIKN is using the unspent breakfast money to continue to support the children and their families in our schools. Saraswati school is situated in a rural village on

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