
  • KIKN hits a £500,000 milestone

    While preparing for the AGM recently I started to wonder how much money KIKN had actually raised for Nepal since its foundation so I added up all the money raised for charitable activities from each year’s accounts since 2011. To my surprise, during 2023 we reached a major milestone having sent out over £500,000 for

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  • KIKN Afternoon Tea/AGM

    We held our 11th AGM on Saturday 1st June. For the first time the AGM was also available online. The event was combined with an afternoon tea event held at Durban Road. It was nice to see some of our supporters in person and report on our many achievements in 2023.

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  • FFK 10K Fun Run

    Kate successfully completed her 10K run at the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park on Thursday 23rd May. Thank you to all those who contributed to the funds raised for FFK, over £400.

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  • KIKN are supporting the FFK Fun Run on the 24th May

    Our friends at Futures For Kids (FFK) are once again holding their 5/10k Fun Run in the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park on Thursday 24th May at 6pm. We are supporting this event by fundraising for them as FFK have been a major supporter of KIKN since it was founded. Kate, one of our Trustees, is

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  • KIKN Charity Quiz Night

    A very enjoyable and successful quiz night was held on Friday night at the Clarendon Hotel, Blackheath. 100 people took part in a fun evening with over £1,200 being raised for Ishwor school projects. Thank you to everyone who came and took part and gave very generously for our raffle and also to Steve King

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  • Kate is running the Brighton Half Marathon

    My fellow Trustee, Kate is running the Brighton Half Marathon on February 25th and is raising money for KIKN. Please would you consider sponsoring her by clicking on the link below.

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