Charity Registration Number: 1142150
Date of Investment Policy Statement: 17th January 2024
- Introduction
1.1 Kids In Kathmandu Nepal (KIKN) is a limited company registered charity, whose purpose is to help poor and socially disadvantaged children and young adults in Kathmandu, Nepal to access education. We do this by raising funds from donations, grants and individual sponsorships, sponsoring 40 children through education, including university and by improving basic facilities and infrastructure in 7 schools in the Kathmandu Valley.
1.2 KIKN has annual income from fund raising, donations, sponsorships and grants of approximately £60-70k. Annual expenditure is approximately £60k. The charity’s general reserve policy is to hold £5,000 as reserves to ensure continued financial security and to provide for contingencies.
1.3 The founder of the charity, Lai See Chew, left a legacy of £50,000 to the charity in 2021. Her wish was to ensure that all the remaining sponsored children, 24 as at January 2024, would be able to finish their schooling and go on to university if that was their wish.
1.4 At the present time this legacy amount of £50,000 has been invested in a 1year bond with Redwood Bank plc at an interest rate of 3% annual with a maturity date of 17/02/2024.
2. Investment Objectives
2.1 KIKN seeks to produce the best financial return within an acceptable level of risk. As the major part of the reserve sum is expected to be spent over the next few years, capital preservation is of paramount importance.
- Risk
3.1 Attitude to risk
KIKN is reliant on fund raising and donations for its activities.
The short term reserves are being held to provide financial security, and may be required at relatively short notice.
- Liquidity Requirements
4.1 The Trustees have decided that the legacy sum can be invested on a longer term basis, maximising the potential interest gained, as the capital is not required for at least the current invested period.
- Management, Reporting and Monitoring
5.1 Reports on the investment will be made available to Trustees at the normal quarterly meetings.
- Approval and Review
This investment Policy Statement was prepared by Stephen Smith, Chief Officer of Kids in Kathmandu Nepal to provide a framework for the management of its reserves. It will be reviewed on an annual basis to ensure continuing appropriateness.
Revised 17th January 2024