Jana Sudhar School Honours KIKN

Today is the beginning of the Festivals in Nepal. All the teachers and pupils came together to formally thank KIKN for providing the new facilities in this little state school in a very deprived areas of Kathmandu. They include a library, computer lab ( with 20 computers, desks and chairs ) science lab, Tiffin (breakfast) club for almost 200 children, class room furniture ånd tables for the staff room, last but not least, the water purification plant.
A KIKN trustee was welcomed with flowers from the children lining the street outside. Then the various rooms tied with red ribbon were cut by a KIKN trustee to declare them open for use officially. KIKN was formally thanked with framed plates, accompanied by the traditional Tibetan prayer scarf.
The children danced in the sunlight against the backdrop of rubble and chaos on a makeshift stage. It was a most touching and humbling experience.
Thank you all, especially Futures For Kids charity and the Horseman Trust both in the UK for making this possible. They are and we are so very grateful to give the children a fighting chance in life.

