Why we need your help
We are helping to raise funds for Futures For Kids (FFK), a charitable foundation that raises funds to support the lives of disadvantaged children and young people around the world. They have supported KIKN over the years.
For the last two years they have held a Fun Run to raise funds for their supported charities, including KIKN. This year they have had to postpone their event like a lot of other charities. However they don’t want this to get in the way of fundraising so are holding a virtual event.
Four KIKN Trustees and Supporters, Lai See, Kate, Stephen and Janet are going to take part in this Virtual Event to raise funds for FFK. They will be walking, running, or cycling various distances between 1st May and 10th May, while at the same time time adhering to social distancing guidelines.
We hope you will be able to join in this worthy and fun initiative by sponsoring any, or all of the participants and encourage as many of your colleagues, clients, friends and family to do the same. Please click on the link below to support us by making a donation. Thank You.