Following the devastating earthquake in April 2015 Ashmita’s family home was flattened. The family was having to live in a makeshift shelter since then.
The family started rebuilding their home in the new year. KIKN contributed a sizeable chunk of the building cost together with limited help from the government.
Old bricks were salvaged from the ruins, with everyone pitching in to do the hard labour, Ashmita included. No structural engineer nor architect were used in order to cut the costs down.
We paid a visit to see the progress of the rebuilding. Rudimentary structures are set in place. I was shocked to see where the family have been living !
We hope that the new home will be completed before the next winter sets in. It is no wonder that Ashmita always looks so painfully thin and tired but she never ever complains.
Uma and I salute her and her long suffering family for the dignity they show in such dire adversity !