September 2016

  • Ashmita’s New Home

    Following the devastating earthquake in April 2015 Ashmita’s family home was flattened. The family was having to live in a makeshift shelter since then. The family started rebuilding their home in the new year. KIKN contributed a sizeable chunk of the building cost together with limited help from the government. Old bricks were salvaged from the

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  • Essential Shopping in Kathmandu

    Just undertaken the first shopping spree for under clothing for the children. It is a mammoth task to source 2 vests/bras/knickers/pants for each of the 40 children. Just as well Uma has a system. I merely follow Uma’s direction. She drives a hard bargain and I just pay for the goods. A very good partnership in

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  • Parapokar Orphanage

    Parapokar Orphanage is the oldest orphanage in Kathmandu, started in the 1920s by local philanthropists. It has its own school in its grounds. It is a very well run and maintained orphanage. KIKN sponsors 5 of the girls there (pictured with the House Mother).

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  • Reading sponsors letters

    Namaste, boys and girls. Now safely installed at the Orphanage. Soo lovely to see Uma’s 8 again. It is always such a pleasure to see them eagerly waiting to get the sponsors ‘ letter to find out the latest news.

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  • 9th Annual Trip to Kathmandu Nepal

    Hello Kathmandu I am packed and checked in at Terminal 2. Here comes my 9th annual trip. Looking forward to seeing all the children who are all growing up well. Thank you all for your continued support. You have made it possible for KIKN to undertake and achieve many of our school capital projects. To

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